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Unlocking AI

Use What Works Today, Not What Worked Yesterday

Is getting a consistent flow of new clients a frustrating time-consuming battle? Today AI provides several advantages over traditional alternatives.


Most of the solutions promoted today by the so-called experts were clever ideas in their time.


The problem is that markets get saturated.


Remember when email first came out? Just receiving one was fun and opening it up was satisfying. Now our inboxes are full up. Do you feel the same and ignore them despite their grand claims?

The Value Vomit Has Had Its Day


And free gifts? Now known as a ‘value vomit’. Every day we are inundated by free gifts worth (apparently) thousands of dollars in return for our email. The novelty has worn off. They had their day in the sun, but now the novelty has worn off.


The first-mover advantage has gone.

A new opportunity with AI


Well, there’s a new opportunity with AI and one that you can make your own, creating your own unique twist. You can be the pioneer that profits from the sweat spot.


Hasn’t this been the case for a little while?




Did you know AI has only recently made a big advance for solopreneurs? The cost of entry has changed, allowing different applications to be joined together at low cost.


We no longer need to hire expensive coders to build something special.


Fire, Aim, Aim

Have you ever invested time in a project and found it didn’t yield the hoped for returns?


That is known as ‘aim, aim, fire’. You spend many hours honing your ideas and then launch them on the marketplace. If they fail to hit the bull’s eye you’ve wasted precious time and money.


AI can turn this model upside down and save you thousands of hours, dollars, and heartache.


Today, you can build a trial, at low cost and speed. If it works develop it. This is ‘fire, aim, aim’. If it needs adjusting, do so quickly, and cheaply.

AI Is Powerful But It Is You That Makes The Difference.

There's a paradox with AI. We think because it’s fast and powerful that it doesn’t need our gifts, knowledge, and skills to get the most out of it. This is incorrect. These are the things that amplify the power of AI.


We Will Show You How, We can build transformational solutions for you, in simple steps, without overwhelm.


Build A Bridge

Have you tried offering free consultations? Do you find most people don’t take up the invite?


It’s just too big a leap.


AI offers you the chance to build a customer journey that’s unique to you, engaging and rewarding for your prospective clients, and that doesn’t require such a leap of faith.


Hidden Value

There’s an extra big win. Whilst providing prospective clients with value you can glean a huge amount of data that will allow you to target their needs. meaningfully and accurately.


Compare that to a free ebook where you don’t know if it’s been read and it tells you nothing about your prospective client.

Next Step


Don’t know where to begin? Don’t have any tried and tested experts? We do.


We make it simple and easy to understand and work with you to create something unique to your offering and compelling to your audience.


Connect with us to find a low-cost high-yielding AI bespoke lead-generating tool that works 24/7 for you. We guarantee 30 qualified leads every month.


Check out an example of how to engage with AI:


If we can’t help you we’ll point you in the right direction.

30 Leads Per Month Guaranteed
Free Discovery Offer

Find Out How You Can Create a 24/7
Low-Cost High-Impact AI Lead Magnet

We'll work together to:

  1. Reveal how to make a low-cost cutting-edge lead magnet that reflects you and your offering. 

  2. Show you how to provide value while harvesting valuable data.

  3. ​Create something unique to you that's way ahead of the competition

  4. Generate at least 30 highly qualified leads every day, while you get on with other things.

Why Embodied Intelligence?

The Embodied Intelligence Process is built on two decades of experience and a wealth of research into ancient practices, somatic therapies and current science.

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