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The Uniquely Compelling Quality of Permelia Parham

Permelia used to work in a Government post. Generous by nature, one day she wanted to support a colleague who’d just written a book. She bought a copy and started reading. It was about finding your purpose. It was a lightbulb moment that triggered a complete change in direction. She understood that she had a calling, deep within her she knew this to be true and was going to find it (how satisfying for the author!).

As life would have it, at exactly the right moment, a teacher came along and opened up the world of healing and the work of Dr Bradley Nelson in particular.

Permelia was on her way.

Today she brings together healers from all around the world.

When I tuned in, I felt her Uniquely Compelling Quality (UCQ) as a deeply sensitive space filled with curiosity. Her work clearing limiting beliefs is perfect for this. Transforming the beliefs that put roadblocks in our way or stunt our growth with glass ceilings is valuable work. In my experience, though, the greater skill is finding those beliefs, as they are often hidden away in the shadows, protected by our intellect which seeks to protect its logic.

Too often the intellect is the enemy of our UCQ. It tells us we need to be safe, conform, and be practical. But for those who have taken the leap and unlocked their innate qualities, they find the reverse is true. It’s expansive, rewarding and powerful.

We also chatted about stress and Permelia made such a good point about avoiding the news. The problem with news media today is that we go looking for information, seeking clarity, but there’s actually so little of it. What we find instead is a constant loop, on repeat, that adds little. Worse still if we lose our centre it makes us feel out of control, separate from who we are, and pulled away from our true nature.

Our UCQ is an expression of our true nature and pulled away is exactly the opposite of what we want. The closer we get to it, the more aligned we are with it, the more impactful we will be and the more fulfilled we will feel.

My compromise is that I only read the news and selectively at that, I find it less emotive which helps me to remain objective.

Permelia can be found at


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