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The Uniquely Compelling Quality of Paula Bianca

Paula’s Unique Compelling Quality (UCQ) was so obvious it reached out and grabbed me. She is someone who is comfortable wherever her home is.

For many children, moving from one country to another is, to use an English expression, like being pulled from pillar to post. It can be highly unsettling and destabilising. Having tuned into Paula’s UCQ it didn’t surprise me that not only has she lived in six countries, but feeling at ease in each of them was something that came naturally to her.

Whilst we all have a UCQ what is far less common is a sharp intellect that not only complements it but is in tune with it. This is a powerful combination and Paula is blessed with it.

When I interviewed her we got lost in that pleasure you get when you’re talking about something you both love. In our case, how to leverage your superpower. And let’s face it, what is the benefit if you have a special sauce if you don’t use it - not only to shape your life and bring deep fulfilment but also to help others with your unique gift?

Paula successfully leverages her UCQ by helping people to relocate and put down roots quickly and painlessly. She’s brilliant at it because it comes so naturally to her.

I like to try and find a little nugget of gold in my conversations with inspiring people who have generously given me their time. From Paula came the insight that when moving home (although this applies equally to life), our connections with others are priceless.

One of the great pleasures of exploring different places is the opportunity to dive into new cultures, see fresh perspectives and expand our world, and of course, we do that through other people.

For a successful relocation, Paula encourages her clients to actively seek out opportunities to meet new faces. Find something we love and join a club for example. Take action to connect with new people, exchange ideas, and forge new friendships. Who knows what will come from it, but at the very least we’ll feel more alive? We are built to be expansive and when we meet new people, hear their stories and get fresh perspectives we grow.


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