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The Uniquely Compelling Quality of Jessica Hwang

As a first-generation American Jessica understands only too well the pressures of moving to a new country. The expectations that were placed on her are commonplace - get a profession - become a doctor, lawyer or engineer. They infer stability, conformity and acceptance. 

Jessica chose a corporate path that fitted the bill, the problem was it wasn’t a great fit, part of her wanted more. Success alone is rarely enough. 

It started as a hum in the distance, a quiet little voice, until it became more like a shout for change. When that wasn’t heeded - and it can be so tough to change track sometimes - her body went into revolt. A stubborn rash on her neck was the final straw - she thought to herself, “If this is what I can see on the outside, what is going on on the inside?!”

And so she quit her secure job and looked for another way.  The route to that was inevitably a reconnection with herself, “to try and find the joy again” - which meant reconnecting to her body, aided and inspired by her 84-year-old yoga teacher.

Speaking with others, she told them her story and was met with near universal appreciation of her quest and bravery to be true to herself. In Jessica’s case calm, warm and playfulness were her uniquely compelling qualities that shone through. When I picked up the latter and mentioned it she said “Yes!” Her mum had always told her not to grow up too fast. “I think that part of what keeps me going is the idea of play, of not being too tied down to anything, of allowing myself to experiment and to keep changing things to see what works and what doesn’t.”

The perfect qualities to build a coaching business and for life in general.

Jessica helps first and second-generation women in the corporate world to pivot to a more creative version of themselves.


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