Suffering from a bad cold, a croaky voice and with the camera off, connecting with Vuyanzi was an absorbing experience. More of that in a moment.
Whether successful, accomplished or not, many of us have experienced that ‘something missing feeling’. Before becoming a coach Vuyanzi was a teacher, then a writer, and now she’s found her calling. I could feel in her this strong sense of alignment that had pulled her along her path, compelling her to find what’s a more complete expression of her Uniquely Compelling Quality (UCQ).
Feeling there’s more to life, it’s rarely comfortable but it’s worth the angst when we find the antidote. It’s like coming home.
And on that subject, Coach Vuyanzi has recently moved from the States to Africa.
I love that we can have a strong affinity with a place, and yet, why does that happen? Is it the people we know there, the stories we associate with it, the visual pleasure it gives, or the feel of the place? Perhaps it’s a combination of all of those? Whichever, recognising when we resonate with something is important and, in my experience, tuning in with what we hold true is vital to our happiness.
So, I asked why the move? She said she was ‘drawn by a love of Nairobi’. To be drawn by the love of something - isn’t that the essence of life?
Vuyanzi helps black women leaders make career transitions with ease. When my radar picked up on her UCQ the first thing that leapt out was the image of a pivoting ballerina. How apt! What could be better at helping those who want to change direction?
She said she’d had some pushback on niching down to black women leaders - but commercially the niche is your friend and beyond that, you’re far better trusting the pull of the felt sense rather than the call to satisfy others. You can’t please everyone, so better to just stay true to what resonates.
I asked Vuyanzi what brought clients to her. Mostly they’re women who have successful careers but they’re ‘being drawn out if’, ‘their desire is shifting’, they’re moved ‘to be more purposeful’. And there was that word ‘drawn’ again. It’s so physical. If we give it a chance our body will tell us and guide us. It will push and pull us in the direction it wants to go.
And where does it want to go?
It wants to express itself and expand. To be expansive is to feel alive. That can be geographical, career-wise, or creative. There are so many ways. But what sets the compass for the direction of travel? Well, it can be many things, but if you want to feel deep satisfaction and enduring happiness, let your UCQ lead the way. Align with that and life becomes a whole lot easier and more enjoyable.
Moving to another country is a journey of discovery and so too is uncovering the facets of our UCQ. Each is like a diamond that catches the light and draws us to it. With Vuyanzi I felt something special connected to working with big audiences, an unmistakable gift and I have no doubt it’s going to be magical.