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The Uniquely Compelling Quality of Ashrita Tiwari-Maldonado

I visited my favorite London florist last weekend, to bunch my wife. While I waited to be served, I studied the selection of flowers on display. My gaze was drawn to a bucket of peonies in full bloom. Vibrant, deep crimson, with a touch of magenta. There was something truly imposing about the sheer velvety magnificence of this miracle of nature. The fragrant silky embrace, the extravagance of its gesture. Both bold and delicate at the same time.

The creative glory of its endeavor demanded attention.

It reminded me of the unique compelling quality of Ashrita which sits within her and demands to be heard. A clean energy that makes it easy for her on the one hand to communicate what she does and on the other to plot her journey through life.

We’re not all blessed with such a strong call to action because so often our inner voice gets boxed in by the life we’ve lived and the beliefs we carry around within us.

Ashrita has evolved through fundraising for a non-profit, personal training, and then coaching. Each new chapter born of an inner urge to be heard, to explore, and to create.

The beauty is that while at our core our deep-set gifts remain constant, how we choose to express them is boundless, as are the skills we learn to bring them to life that help us grow.

Ashrita currently combines hypnosis with human design. Human design gives us a roadmap of where our natural abilities lie and how we tend to block them. Hypnosis provides a means to bring the body into alignment and clear limiting beliefs.

That’s the wonder of our gifts they lead us into a space where we can blossom.

If you would like to find out more about Ashriti you can find her at

If you would like to learn more about how to leverage your deep-set gifts click the link:


Why Embodied Intelligence?

The Embodied Intelligence Process is built on two decades of experience and a wealth of research into ancient practices, somatic therapies and current science.

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