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How to get closer to a life of purpose.

Take the leap into the unknown. Know yourself and the world beyond what you already know.

There is one thing guaranteed to get you closer to a life packed with meaning.

If you haven't already found it, your calling in life is unlikely to jump out and find you. This doesn't mean you won't discover it. It means you need to go out and find it.

If you take action - and the key is to do something every single day - magical things will happen. Your focus will send a message to your subconscious that you are serious about building a better life. Action will enforce that message. Your subconscious, which is about a million times more powerful than your conscious mind, will then start filtering out opportunities that meet your objective. It will drive your attention to notice what needs to be picked up in order to reach your goal.

Doors will begin to open up in your life.

Commit to at least 30 days of action. Every day, make sure you do at least one thing that is focused on finding and living your purpose. There is only one condition: find something you don't already know. Make this your motto.

Why does it need to be new?

It may be hard to accept but part of you doesn't want to build a new and more satisfying life. Why? New means change and change puts your existing logic at risk and that logic has concluded that the life you live, whatever its drawbacks, is your best option.

Change means risk and part of us doesn't like that. This is a current we need to swim against.

Taking on fresh challenges and discovering ideas and knowledge makes us feel alive - and that's how having a purpose makes us feel. It drives our neurochemistry and that builds motivation.

Our hidden logic, which wants us to remain as we are, needs excavating but one important tool you can use in the meantime is to journal your action list and the results you discover along the way. Make sure to summarise what you've learned. This will give you concrete evidence of the gains you've made when you look back and challenge the part of you that doesn't want to change.

So, what sort of action do we need? The important thing is to do something and to do it every day. Set aside some time to ask yourself what you love doing and why, do some research, visit something different from your usual, engage with new people, take on a fresh challenge or face a fear. These will elevate you from your current pattern and open doors.

Finally, don't judge the results, just enjoy the adventure.


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